PROJECT TITLE: Devil’s Punchbowl Bobcat Fire Trail Stabilization and Recovery Project

PROJECT LOCATION: Devil’s Punchbowl Natural Area and Nature Center                               
28000 Devil’s Punchbowl Rd,
Pearblossom, CA 93553

PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The Devil’s Punchbowl Bobcat Fire Trail Stabilization and Recovery Project would provide for the construction of a shaded seating area at the trailhead; replacement of a map board kiosk destroyed during the fire; replacement of destroyed signs and trail markers; and trail stabilization and reconstruction.

PROJECT APPLICANT: County of Los Angeles


Julie Yom, AICP
Park Planner

EXEMPT STATUS: Categorical Exemption

TYPE, SECTION OR CODE:  15302 and 15303 (e)

REASONS FOR EXEMPTION: The proposed project is categorically exempt under CEQA according to sections 15302 and 15303(e) because the project provides for replacement or reconstruction of existing structures and facilities; and construction and location of limited numbers of new, small facilities or structures. In addition, based on the proposed project records, it will comply with all applicable regulations, and it is not in a sensitive environment, and there are no cumulative impacts, unusual circumstances, damage to scenic highways, listing on hazardous waste site lists compiled pursuant to Government Code section 65962.5, or indications that it may cause a substantial adverse change in the significance of a historical resource that would make the exemption inapplicable.

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