The County of Los Angeles Department of Parks and Recreation has completed the Draft SEIR for the Proposed Operational Changes at the Virginia Robinson Gardens.
The formal public review period for the Draft SElR is from July 22, 2022 to September 6, 2022. All comments received by the closing of the public review period will be considered in the Final SEIR. (The previous notice indicated that the public review period would end on September 5, 2022. Because September 5, 2022 is a public holiday, the public review period has been extended to September 6, 2022.) Please e-mail your written comments on the Draft SEIR by September 6, 2022 to Ms. Jui Ing Chien, Park Planner, Department of Parks and Recreation at You may also send your comments to:
County of Los Angeles
Department of Parks and Recreation
1000 S. Fremont Ave.
Unit #40 A-9 West, 3rd Floor
Alhambra, California 91083
Attention: Ms. Jui Ing Chien, Park Planner
A virtual Draft SEIR Public Meeting will be held on Wednesday, August 10, 2022 from 6:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. via Zoom. The purpose of the Draft SEIR Public Meeting is to solicit public comments regarding environmental issues addressed in the Draft SEIR. The link to the virtual meeting is as follows:
Notice of Completion and Availability of Draft Supplement EIR
Appendix A – NOP and Scoping Letters
Appendix B – Air Quality-GHG CalEEMod Results
Appendix C – Historical Resources Memorandum
Appendix D – Energy Consumption