Youth @ Work

Youth @ Work

Youth @ Work 150 150 Parks & Recreation

Work Where You Play!

Youth@Work provides work experience with a comprehensive and strategic set of employment, training and support services provided through a network of AJCCs. Los Angeles County residents ages 14 to 24, that have the right to work in the United States. Priority youth populations are school dropout, CalWORKs, Probation, Foster, Homeless, transition-aged youth), Low-Income households, LGBTQIA+, pregnant or parenting, have a disability, an offender or are an English language learner.

Our Youth at Work program will help place LA County youth in a paid job that leads to a long-term career pathway in high-growth, in-demand industries. We will help you prepare your resume, provide hands-on job training, and practice interview skills. We are here to help you start your career!

Job Description

Leading recreational activities for persons of all ages, helping support event setup and takedown, and interacting with the public.

Program Information

  • Summer Parks After Dark (PAD) activates 34 LA County parks during Summer (June 13 – August 5) from 6-10pm on Thursday, Friday and Saturday.
    • Activities include community events, arts and crafts, music, dance, sports, concerts, movie screenings and more!
  • Every Body Plays (EBP): year-round program offered at various times, dates, sites throughout Los Angeles County: 11:00am – 5:30pm Monday through Friday.
    • These activities range from sports, fitness, arts and crafts, STEM, group games, story time and so much more