We are pleased to introduce EPIC LA, the Department’s online system for Agreement Applications.
Directions for creating an EPIC LA account, as well as a step-by-step process to successfully apply for an application are listed below. For questions, please contact: Permit-License-Agreement@parks.lacounty.gov
Who We Are
County of Los Angeles Department of Parks and Recreation (County Parks) operates and manages County-owned and non-owned properties which include 180 parks, golf courses, performing arts centers, botanical gardens, wildlife/ wildflower sanctuaries, natural areas and lakes. The non-owned properties are under agreements with California State Parks, United States Army Corps of Engineers, and others.
What We Can Offer
If you want to book a picnic structure or are looking for classes and programs, please visit these web pages for more information. LA County Parks; Online Reservations; Core and Community Partners; Trails.
Please use Epic LA to apply for all parks related permits, licenses, agreements, leases, Memorandums of Understanding, and many more as detailed below.
Application Process
To access the EPIC LA system, create a username and login. Please use these two short instructional guides to walk through the steps to register and to apply.
In the application process, you may provide a description of your project and identify your need as it may relate to one of the below. We appreciate your efforts to capture the essence of how we can help you and we will respond and work with you to find the best fit for your scenario.
Agreement Types
Access to County Park facilities will require one or more of the following:
- Right of Entry License – provides access for work in County Park facilities by outside vendors or contractors, as well as providing access to drive across a park. A typical scenario could be a utility company accessing their equipment, or the sampling of a water monitoring well that helps ensures community safety.
- Joint Use Agreement – typically for the use of a school for park purposes on an ongoing basis. We have parks on school sites through this type of partnership.
- Memorandum of Understanding – provides a non-binding agreement between two County Departments.
- Memorandum of Agreement – provides a contractual binding agreement with outside parties, such as schools using parks for their athletic programs or other park facilities.
- Maintenance and/or Operating Agreements – allow outside agencies the ability to manage facilities within our parks or for us to provide maintenance across other government facilities as a means of expanding our benefit to the public.
- Leases – a contract that allows temporary use of parklands. Examples could include a Community Garden within our park, County Parks leasing a school site to build a new park for the community like an Aquatics Center, or a utility corridor lease for a park site.
- Utility Easement – Provides rights to install a utility in our Park in the form of utility pole, water line, transformer, overhead or underground facility.
- Conservation Easements – a voluntary, legal agreement that permanently limits use of land to protect its conservation values, protect natural resources, and preserve land for future generations.
- Temporary Construction License – granted during a period of construction, reconstruction, maintenance, repair, alteration, or restoration in a project, such as work on parkland due to a utility or road right of way project.
- Access or Special Use Agreement – allows an outside entity to use property for a compatible use. A typical park use could be to provide park access on government land for recreation. Another possibility could be to allow construction access by an entity to maintain systems within our parks.