PROJECT TITLE: Various Park Improvements at Stephen Sorensen Park

PROJECT LOCATION: The Proposed Project is located in the unincorporated community of Lake Los Angeles, approximately 15 miles east of Palmdale. The project site is within the existing Stephen Sorensen Park located at 16801 East Avenue P. Stephen Sorensen Park (Park) shares the parcel with Tameobit Wildlife Sanctuary on a 100-acre lot, which is owned by Los Angeles County. The Park is encompassed by a large prehistoric site that has been investigated since the 1920s (CA-LAN-192). Today, the approximately 23-acre park includes grass areas, picnic tables, playground, horseshoe pits, restrooms, parking lots, basketball courts, multipurpose sports fields, concrete \ walkways, landscaping/irrigation, splash pad, shade structures, and a community/gymnasium building. Topography in the vicinity of the project area has a gentle downward slope to the northeast with an approximate site elevation in the vicinity of the project area of 2,720 feet above mean sea level. Lands that surround the Park are developed with single-family residences to the south, Tameobit Wildlife Sanctuary and undeveloped land to the east, single-family residences and undeveloped land to the west, and Tameobit Wildlife Sanctuary to the north.

PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The County of Los Angeles Department of Parks and Recreation (County) proposes to develop various new park amenities at Stephen Sorensen Park (Proposed Project). The project site consists of three non-contiguous areas (Areas 1, 2, and 3) including a skate park of approximately 25,000 square feet in size (Area 1), a shade structure for the existing playground measuring 1,800 square feet (Area 2), a gazebo measuring 2,500 square feet, a concrete slab with fitness zone and shade structure measuring 1,600 square feet (Area 3), and associated Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) improvements. Areas 2 and 3 are located within the existing park area. Construction of the proposed skate park (Area 1) would increase total useable park space by approximately 0.57 acres.

PUBLIC COMMENT PERIOD: Thursday, January 14, 2021, to Friday, February 12, 2021. All comments must be postmarked or emailed no later than February 12, 2021.

WHERE TO SEND COMMENTS: Written comments may be provided by letter or via email:

County of Los Angeles Department of Parks and Recreation
Planning Division
Attn: Ms. Jui Ing Chien, Park Planner
1000 S. Fremont Avenue Unit #40
A-9 West, Third FloorAlhambra, CA 91803


The PowerPoint presentation of the February 4, 2021 public meeting (PDF) 

On Thursday, February 4, 2021, the County will host an online public meeting via Zoom to review the project and solicit input in relation to the CEQA analysis for this project. The meeting will be held from 6:00 PM to 7:30 PM at the following link:

Meeting link:

Meeting ID: 873 4269 8411

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Please direct any questions regarding this meeting to Ms. Jui Ing Chien at (626) 588-5317 or


Stephen Sorensen Park Draft IS-MND
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Appendix A – Air Quality-Greenhouse Gas Analysis
View Document

Appendix B – Biological Resources Assessment
View Document

Appendix C – Cultural Resources Assessment

Appendix D – Geotechnical Investigation

Appendix E – Noise Impact Assessment
View Document

Appendix F – Traffic Impact Assessment
View Document

Appendix G – Tribal Cultural Resources
View Document

NOI Stephen Sorensen Park
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